Atrium Society’s Awards & Acclaims

Internationally acclaimed, award winning books and programs to help young people understand and resolve conflict peacefully

  • Ten time Winner of the Benjamin Franklin Awards for Excellence in Independent Publishing.
  • Awarded the Robert Burns Medal for Literature by Austria’s Albert Schweitzer Society, for “outstanding merits in the field of peace-promotion”.
  • Acclaimed at the Soviet Peace Fund Conference in Moscow and published in Russia by Moscow’s Library of Foreign Literature and Magistr Publications.
  • Selected by the International Association of Educators for World Peace for their Central American peace education project in Panama and El Salvador.
  • Selected by the National PTA as a recommended resource for parents.
  • Endorsed by Scouting Magazine and Sports Illustrated for Kids.
  • Were chosen as a focus, and highly praised at the International Congress for Teachers for Peace, Paris, France.
  • Invited to the Soviet Union in 1989 by Mrs. Gorbachev and the Soviet Peace fund.
  • The Youth Peace literacy books are archived in perpetuity at No Gun Ri International Peace Foundation, South Korea.
  • Archived at the Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, Samara Russia.
  • Are We Born Hardwired for War? Is War in our DNA? presented at International Conference of Museums of Peace in South Korea sponsored by the No Gun Ri International Peace Foundation.
  • Why Is Everybody Always Picking On Me? cited by the Omega New Age Directory as one of the Ten Best Books, for its “atmosphere of universal benevolence and practical application”.
  • Approved by the New York City Board of Education.
  • Selected by the American Booksellers Association for its resource listing of “Children’s Books About Peace”.
  • Presented the National Conference on Peacemaking & Conflict Resolution.
  • Archived in perpetuity at the University of Connecticut’s Northeast Children’s Literature Collection, Swarthmore College Peace Collection and the University of Southern Mississippi’s de Grummond Children’s Literature Collection and at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum, Hiroshima Japan.
  • Archived in perpetuity at No Gun Ri International Peace Foundation, South Korea and Samara State Academy of Culture and Arts, Samara Russia.
  • On permanent display at the International Museum of Peace and Solidarity in Samarkind, Uzbekistan, the Commonwealth of Independent States.
  • The Center for Applied Psychology, Inc. cites Dr. Terrence Webster-Doyle as an “eloquent leader of the movement to combine principles of education, psychology, and the martial arts to teach young people to resolve conflict peacefully.”
  • Fighting the Invisible Enemy and Tug of War recommended by the Elementary School Library Collection as “fine contributions to materials for children”; both books also chosen by the British Commonwealth Collection – A Selection of Books and Journals on Nonviolence and Social Change.
  • Fighting the Invisible Enemy – Understanding the Effects of Conditioning was published in Russian by Detskaya Maya, the leading Russian teacher’s magazine and serialized to all the teachers throughout the country in 1988.
