What Prevents Peace? Has the World Ever Been at Peace?

Humans have been entirely at peace for only 268 of the past 3,400 years – just 8 percent of recorded history.

How many people have died in war?

At least 108 million people were killed in wars in the twentieth century. Estimates for the total number killed in wars throughout all of human history are up to 1 billion.

Anytime we see anyone as “the enemy,” we prevent peace. Anytime we let robotic thinking rule our brain, we prevent peace. Whenever we allow ourselves to think ethnocentrically and don’t challenge our and their thinking, we prevent peace.

Traditional ways of bringing about peace only create more conflict. We need to change our thinking, and therefore how we act.

Illustration of people in suits at war, including tanks, bombs, and helicopters.

The Road Not Taken

“Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,  I took the one less traveled by,  And that has made all the difference.” 

Robert Frost, poet

We humans are creatures of habit. We do what we are conditioned to do – what we have been taught to do – and what feels safe to us.

When we get into conflict of some kind, should we act the way we have always acted – or do we want to try something different?

Emergency situations cause people to get out of their mechanical robot-like thinking and act – instead of react. Do we need to wait for an emergency situation to take the road less traveled?

Six Steps to Resolving a Conflict!

  • Step 1: I see someone with whom I am in conflict!: I usually freeze, fight or run away from this person.
  • Step 2: I feel threatened! There’s a voice in my head saying, “Go away! Don’t do this! Get out of here! Protect yourself from being hurt!” Whenever I talk to this person, I am put down, criticized, upset and angry.
  • Step 3: Stop! I ask that voice, “Why do I feel threatened? Am I afraid? What am I afraid of? Is the threat real, or have I imagined it?”
  • Step 4: I want peace! I tell that voice, “I have to release myself from the prison of my old conditioned way of thinking!” This primitive way of reasoning in my head isn’t actually peaceful – and makes no sense. Why is that? Isn’t peace the same for everyone? What if it isn’t?”
  • Step 5: I do not act on my fear! I let go of my drive to survive. I have insight!
  • Step 6: I try something new! I take the road not taken! My behavior changes!

The key to unlocking our biological hard drive’s control is to ask questions. Rather than questions based on old conditioning, ask questions that lead to insight and awareness. In a heightened state of attention, we can see the danger of conflict!

Every time we are about to act on a hostile conditioned thought – there is the potential to stop and wait before we react in conflict.

When we feel no fear, we have no enemies!

The enemy is a dream we’ve created in our brain.

“Wake me up from that dream!”

All things are understandable. If we just look, understanding is there for us to see.

The right questions are like a virus protector. They keep us from continually breaking down and repeating actions we’ve learned but actions that do nothing to help us.

Aldous Huxley, the author of the book, Brave New World, said:

“What is absurd and monstrous about war is that men who have no personal quarrel should be trained to murder one another in cold blood.”

Aldous Huxley
Flags of countries graphically designed to be in the shape of the earth.

A World of Many Nations and Flags

There are more than 6,000 different languages in the world. So we cannot all talk with each other.

The fragmentation of the human race, by its very nature, creates conflict, because there are so many different groups in the world.

It’s time for us all to become global citizens.

Blue waving flag with the earth overlaid on top.

The Earth Flag

The Earth flag shows us that we are all one – not ideally, not by wishful thinking, but factually, since we share the same earth.

In this Earth flag, you see there are no borders, no made-up barriers, nothing separating us from one another, based on conflicting conditioned thinking that creates war.

Wake Up From the Dream!

The only war that exists is in your head!
Wake up from the dream!
No more false images!
No more enemies!
No more war!

She could be your child.

Illustration of a boy in a hospital with a bandaged, missing leg. In the background, another boy has a bandaged arm.

Operation Warhawks: How Young People Become Warriors

“Death Before Dishonor” – Children Conditioned to Fight for Peace.

This is an important book for all young people concerned with war and peace in their lives and around the world. Operation Warhawks – How Young People Become Warriors uses activities, examples, and true stories to help you understand war and the “conditioning” that goes into making young people into “Warriors”—trained to fight and kill in the armed services.

For those young people who understand that being a warrior is not a humane and healthy way to resolve conflict, Operation Warhawks – How Young People Become Warriors is full of information about how to create a more intelligent and peaceful world. 


B-36 “Peacekeeper”

The B-36 ‘Peacemaker’ was the first bomber capable of delivering any of the nuclear weapons in the U.S. arsenal from inside its four bomb bays without aircraft modifications.